Join The Movement In Bringing God's Message Of Love To Those Who Have Never Heard Or Experienced It Before.

⬇️ Watch This Video To See The Shocking Truth About Unreached Mission Fields (Unmute The Video) ⬇️

Is God Calling You To Serve Him In Unreached Mission Fields? ⬇️

The Mission Of Adventist Frontier Missions (AFM)

Adventist Frontier Missions establishes indigenous Seventh-day Adventist church-planting movements among unreached people groups.

We have a vision of bringing the gospel to all the unreached in this generation.

AFM offers a channel for you to fulfill your calling—no matter your age or occupation—whether in career service, student missions, or short-term work.

We have a variety of open mission opportunities in various countries in the 1040 window. You also have the option of requesting something new.

Is God calling you to serve Him in a foreign mission field?

See Other AFM Missionaries' Experiences

Andre's Experience

Larissa's Experience

Dale's Experience

Leonda & Kent's Experience

Celeste's Experience

Jared's Experience

Daniele's Experience

Janelle's Experience

Ella's Experience

Seth's Experience

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Adventist Frontier Missions (AFM)?

We are a church-planting mission agency operated by Seventh-day Adventist church members. Our goal is to establish church-planting movements among indigenous unreached people groups.

Isn't what AFM is doing already been done?

We work exclusively among groups of people still considered unreached (less than two percent of the population) by the Seventh-day Adventist message.

Is AFM starting new work where no other Christian agency is working, or just where there are no Seventh-day Adventists?

Both. Some of our projects are among peoples previously untouched by any Christian agency. Others are among groups where other Christian agencies may be at work, but no Seventh-day Adventist work has previously been established.

Aren’t national workers better suited for this kind of work than expatriate missionaries, and more economical besides?

It would be ideal, but it is not always realistic. In locations where there are few national workers, there are often a number of factors that prevent them from accomplishing the task, such as persecution and lack of training, funding and support. Barriers of tribalism, racism and prejudice between neighboring groups are often greater than the barriers of language and culture between groups separated by half the globe. After our missionaries have implemented a unique worldview approach to evangelizing the local people, they intentionally train nationals within that people group to continue the vibrant church-planting movement.

Where do your missionaries come from?

From the very beginning, AFM has worked closely with the church at all levels. We greatly value the assistance and guidance provided by church leaders. As our goal is to plant Seventh-day Adventist churches, we cooperate with Adventist church leadership in the field, seeking signed agreements in the regions in which we work.

What is AFM’s working relationship with the Seventh-day Adventist Church?

Over the last two decades, we have been grateful to have opened new offices in Canada, South Africa, Brazil, Europe and South Korea to provide opportunities for individuals in these parts of the world to reach the unreached.

Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. (AFM) is incorporated as a non-profit in the state of Michigan, with its own Board of Directors and governance framework. Although legally separate, AFM is a member of Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI), and works as a supporting ministry in close cooperation with the worldwide SDA Church in countries all around the world.

As an independent ministry, AFM supports the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church; however, it is not part of, affiliated with, or supported by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®, or any affiliates known as the Seventh-day Adventist® Church. Thus, any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the services offered by Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. are solely those of Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. and not those of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church.

Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. is a religious 501© (3) corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under section 501© (3) of the Internal Revenue Code exclusively for exempt religious purposes.

What is the source of AFM’s funding, and do you accept tithe?

We are entirely supported by the contributions of dedicated Christians and organizations who firmly believe in missions. We appreciate the spirit of sacrifice exhibited by our supporters and their desire to see God’s work go forward among the unreached. We do not knowingly accept tithe funds.

Is AFM financially accountable?

Adventist Frontier Missions is thoroughly committed to providing faithful stewardship of the funds our committed partners have entrusted to us for planting churches in unreached people groups. We are fully aware of the sacrifices our partners make as they give, and we faithfully commit to using their gifts wisely while adhering to industry best practices and financial efficiency. AFM engages in full financial accountability by annually having our records audited by an outside accounting firm. A financial report of this audit, listing income and expenses, is available from our office upon request. Additionally, Charity Navigator, an independent non-profit evaluator, has given AFM their highest designation, a four-star rating, for 10 consecutive years—a feat achieved by only three percent of charities they evaluate.

Is God Calling You To Serve Him In Unreached Mission Fields? ⬇️

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